For most students, nothing will match that moment when they look down at their test questions and find questions they’ve never thought of staring back at them. But as the same moment some are some other students in the same class room feeling smug satisfaction at having fussed the exact questions in advance. How can figuring out what’s going to come out in tests and exams dramatically increase your chances of acing them? Here are 5 hints from behind the scenes;
1: Teachers test what they talk. Students think teachers are out to trick them by testing prickly, obscure issues. Nothing can be farther from the case. teachers try to teach the most important material and see if the students have mastered it. Does that make sense? Think about it. Look over your notes and see what the lecturers spent the most time on; that’s likely to provide the most fodder for his/her test or exam questions.
2: Teachers ask what interests them. in many cases you can detect some issues that really excite your teachers so much that he/she brings it up again and again. It’s a bet that your lecturers obsession will pop up in the test or exam questions.
3: Teachers drop clues. Much as they try to keep mum, most lecturers can’t help themselves. So take seriously comments such as, “wow, this would make a really good test question”. It might all sound like a joke, but it’s not

5. Pay keen attention to those little illustrations and examples the teachers give while teaching, for instance the teacher likes to throw a particular joke as it relates to a certain question or topic, so just make sure you read between the lines of the joke. You never know what could happen. In conclusion just make sure you read and prepare very well and with these tips, you are sure to have a good grade. CHEERS
By Kingsley Charles
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