The matter is very simple “choosing the right friends” yet a crucial one because it is not just about choosing friends but the right friends.
To start with, who is a friend? A friend is a companion, one who has full access to your life, who you share your life with. He/she can influence you positively and negatively.
Furthermore, a friend is a companion (one who accompanies you to a certain destination). The relationship between friends is called ‘friendship’ which is gotten from two words, friend ( a person or people of like minds) and ship (a conveying or traveling medium) meaning friendship is a ship(medium) that drives two or more similar minds towards a destination called destiny.
Most favoured reader, if you will be sincere with yourself; looking at the friends you currently have, you can tell where you are headed; whether you are headed towards a successful end or a deadly and losing end. Consider the proverb, “birds of the same feather flock together”.
Another thing you must consider seriously is this; “evil communication corrupt good morals”. Don’t be deceived, and don’t deceive yourself by saying, “he is just my friend, he can’t influence me”, you are just joking, the time you will begin to notice the changes in your life, I just hope it won’t be too late to make a U-turn. You must note that your friends form your immediate environment, and according to social studies and other social science related courses that study the behavior of man, the environment we find ourselves is one major agent of socialization (learning – which is a relatively permanent change in behavior): meaning by staying constantly in touch with wrong attitude or behavior, you unconsciously develop such attitudes and behavior. You might say it is not true, let me prove it by asking you a question, how did your language or the English we are communicating with right now come about? Can you remember? You unconsciously developed it by staying among people that speak it. Hence, we can say that friendship with a lazy man can cause laziness, as well as staying with a good person can make you good too. Please don’t be deceived; once more, evil communication or bad company corrupts good morals or manners.
More so, you might be thinking, is it not better I just remain without friends? It is also not okay, because God never created us to be loners or to be an island; He created us first for companionship. That’s why God said it is not good for a man to be alone.
Therefore, it will be dangerous to be without friends; yet what is more dangerous is having friends that are not right; haven to choose wrong friends that are vision-less
Therefore, what must you put into consideration before choosing friends that will eventually turn out to be the right friends? The following must be put into consideration to make the right choice of friends:
1. Is he/she God-fearing; does he/she believes in God, cause anybody without God has really nothing to contribute to your life that will last long. Scarcely can you find.
2. In searching for the right friends, you must, yourself also be a right friend, cause you will somehow attract your kind.
3. What’s the person’s philosophy about life, do you think alike, or are his views about life better than yours, then you can go ahead to befriend such, otherwise run for your life.
4. Is he/she heading in your direction; unless you are pursuing similar goals, you will end up with regrets.
5. Is he/she helping you to achieve the divinely ordained vision of your life? If no, brother/sister, run for your life.
That will be all for now, till I come your way in the next edition!
, purposeless, without focus or direction, because irrespective of how intelligent and how promising your future may be, you are likely or rather surely going to turn out otherwise with the wrong friends.To start with, who is a friend? A friend is a companion, one who has full access to your life, who you share your life with. He/she can influence you positively and negatively.
Furthermore, a friend is a companion (one who accompanies you to a certain destination). The relationship between friends is called ‘friendship’ which is gotten from two words, friend ( a person or people of like minds) and ship (a conveying or traveling medium) meaning friendship is a ship(medium) that drives two or more similar minds towards a destination called destiny.
Most favoured reader, if you will be sincere with yourself; looking at the friends you currently have, you can tell where you are headed; whether you are headed towards a successful end or a deadly and losing end. Consider the proverb, “birds of the same feather flock together”.

More so, you might be thinking, is it not better I just remain without friends? It is also not okay, because God never created us to be loners or to be an island; He created us first for companionship. That’s why God said it is not good for a man to be alone.

Therefore, what must you put into consideration before choosing friends that will eventually turn out to be the right friends? The following must be put into consideration to make the right choice of friends:
1. Is he/she God-fearing; does he/she believes in God, cause anybody without God has really nothing to contribute to your life that will last long. Scarcely can you find.
2. In searching for the right friends, you must, yourself also be a right friend, cause you will somehow attract your kind.

4. Is he/she heading in your direction; unless you are pursuing similar goals, you will end up with regrets.
5. Is he/she helping you to achieve the divinely ordained vision of your life? If no, brother/sister, run for your life.
That will be all for now, till I come your way in the next edition!
By Emmanuel Joseph
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