Simply put, an easy is a short piece of writing that tells a person’s thoughts or opinions about a subject. Essay types include narrative, descriptive, argumentative and expository. Essay writing is an essential part of an academic year. Let’s look at some of the importance of essay writing.
First, essay writing helps you learn how to express yourself in a more logical way. It is a practical way to develop your writing skills, vocabulary and your own unique style.

Knowing how to write convincingly and how to construct a written report that has elements like an interesting introduction, body and conclusion is a useful skill to know. It is also useful to know how to construct sentences, form an argument and persuade a reader.
Reason being that when you leave school, you may have to write something; a job application letter, a report, a policy or some other thing that requires writing; then you may need to show that you can string together ideas in a logical and convincing manner.

Also, frequent practice of essay writing can help you grow to become a very creative writer or speaker. Excellent writers and great orators were not made in a day; they were involved in lots of reading and writing at an early stage.
Some students are very obsessed about essay writing because they want to make an “A” by all means. If that’s the only push, the result may prove futile. It’s not just all about obtaining a grade, it is about taking pride in your own work and creation.

Writing is an activity you are going to do all your life; some day, you will need to give an information in writing; you may need to even argue a point in writing or describe a person, place, thing or event in writing; if you have not mastered the art and skill of writing, it’s is going to be a huge struggle for you in the future. Why not dare to start making a practice of essay writing today?
By Emily Ofide
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