How does a multicellular organism such as an animal, which has many, many cells, acquire a new trait encoded by a gene from a different organism? Several different methods have been developed. The first step in all of them involves insolating the gene of interest and then linking it to another piece of DNA that contains sequences that enable the gene to be expressed in the appropriate tissues of the recipient organism. This constructed segment of DNA is then inserted into the animals using one of the techniques described below.

In this method, eggs are isolated from animals and fertilized in vitro, and then the constructed DNA containing the foreign gene is injected—using a very fine needle—into the nucleus of the egg. The foreign DNA is inserted at random locations into the DNA of the fertilized egg. The egg is then implanted into the oviduct of a surrogate animal, where the egg then develops. This method has

The gene of interest is inserted into the genome of a retrovirus and then this virus is used to infect embryonic cells, which then develop into organisms carrying the gene of interest. However, like mi croinjection, this method is very inefficient. The gene is inserted randomly into different sites in the DNA of different embryonic cells. Not only might the DNA be expressed at low levels or not at all, as in microinjection, but it may be expressed only in certain cells.

This method allows for the insertion of the genes of interest into very specific sites in the genome of the recipient organism. Embryonic stem cells are isolated from the recipient organism and grown in tissue culture flasks. These cells are then modified by inserting DNA containing the gene of interest and sequences that enable the DNA to be inserted into specific sites in the genome. These modified embryonic stem cells are then injected into the blastocyst stage of a developing recipient organism, and this blastocyst containing the gene of interest is implanted into a surrogate mother. The resulting organisms express the gene more efficiently. This method has only been used to develop transgenic mice.
Source: European Initiative for Biotechnology Education. 1998. Transgenic animals—unit 11. Retrieved August 18, 2008, from http://www.ipn.uni-kiel.de/eibe/UNIT11EN.PDF.
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